The innovation ecosystem of the Central Bohemia Region is characterised by the high share of research and development (R&D) expenditures spent by companies in the region. The corporate sector accounts for almost 80% of all R&D expenditures. The total volume of R&D investment in the region reaches almost 2.5% of GDP which is above the national average.
Out of the top 100 investors into R&D, seventeen have their branches in the Central Bohemia Region. Globally, the seventeen investors pump almost EUR 27,4 bn a year into R&D. Some of them set up more than one branch in the Central Bohemia Region. Most of them focus on the car industry or its suppliers. In some cases, however, they manage the more sophisticated company activities in the region: e.g. Ingersoll-Rand has its technology centre in Hostivice.
The Central Bohemia Region has also an extensive network of 27 research centres and universities specialised in various fields, they focus on technology, natural sciences, agriculture, biotechnology, and medicine. The regional research centers have the potential to develop the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) or other strategic technologies for the future identified in the national or regional innovation strategies, such as:
- biotechnologies and biomedicine (Biotechnology and Biomedicine research center – BIOCEV, National institute of mental health)
- optics, photonics (laser centers ELI Beamlines and HiLASE)
- space technologies (Astronomical Institute)
- nuclear technologies (Research center Řež, Nuclear Physics Institute)
- energy and Smart City (University Centre for energy efficient buildings)
To find out more about the regional research centers, their primary research activities, as well as, their education and popularization activities, see the publication Central Bohemian Success Stories – Research, Development, Innovation.
The Central Bohemian Region has also its Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). It is designed as a ‘living document’, which is regularly completed and up-dated based on EU Regional and Cohesion Policy and regional innovation ecosystem. It represents a long-term plan to increase the competitiveness of the Central Bohemian Region.