Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region

Acronym: RI2integrate

Project No.: DTP1-1-184-1.1

Implementation period: from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2019

Total budget: EUR 1.9 million

Co-financing: The European Regional Development Fund (EUR 1.66 million)

The objective of the project

is to take advantage of the benefits of excellent R&D projects that already exist in the EU. The sub-regions within the Danube Region are linked by a new research infrastructure funded by EU subsidies totalling more than EUR 850 million, which includes the ELI high-performance lasers that are gradually being installed in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania.

The main driving force behind the implementation of the RI2integrate project was an analysis of investment projects that have already been implemented in the sub-regions of the wider Danube Region – the analysis pointed to a lack of cooperation between research institutions and SMEs.

Therefore, a project was launched to take advantage of existing EU projects of excellent research infrastructure in order to strengthen economic development, i.e. through better integration of such projects into regional systems based on newly developed innovative tools.

For these reasons, the project focuses on existing ELI projects that make up the new research infrastructure of pan-European and global significance.

Project partners:

  • ELI-HU Nonprofit Kft.  (Hungary)
  • Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)
  • Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara Horia Hulubei  (Romania)
  • ELI Beamlines  (Czech Republic)
  • FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH  (Austria)
  • INOVAcija Zadar  (Croatia)
  • Univerza v Mariboru  (Slovinia)
  • Magurele High Tech Cluster  (Romania)
  • Středočeské inovační centrum  (Czech Republic)
  • Razvojna agencija Srbije  (Srbia)

Link to the project’s webpages:


Project Manager:

Vedran Bostandžić,, +420 246 083 195, +420 601 214 429

Leader Partner:

David Bereczkei, RI2integrate Project Coordinator, ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd., Dugonics tér 13, 6720 Szeged, Hungary –, +36 1 336 0542