The main tool to launch an innovative ecosystem and develop knowledge-based competitiveness

The Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) defines important areas for the region’s development and identifies what needs to be done to make these areas even more beneficial to the given region. At the same time, it is used to efficiently finance activities (from European, national, and regional sources) aimed at improving the Czech Republic’s competitiveness, mainly through strengthening research and innovation capacities within areas of the economy that have been defined as being promising.

For the Czech Republic, one strategic document is the National RIS3 Strategy. In each region, it is implemented through regional RIS3 strategies that take into account the specific qualities of the local innovation ecosystem and the region’s specialisations within the economy, and refine the priority areas that have been set at the national level.

RIS3 Strategie Středočeského kraje

Představuje základní strategický dokument pro realizaci politiky na podporu rozvoje kraje směrem k vyspělému hospodářství založenému na využívání a rozvíjení hospodářské a znalostní specializace a reflektování potřeb a výzev, kterým region bude čelit.

To by mělo být do budoucna založeno zejména na inovacích všeho druhu a ve všech společenských oblastech, pokročilých technologiích a službách, výrobě s vysokou přidanou hodnotou, kvalifikovaných a kreativních lidech a prosperujících a ambiciózních malých a středních firmách.

The Action Plan for the RIS3 Strategy

The Action plan consists of project planning, interventions and measures implemented or planned by the Region, the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre or other entities active in the regional innovation environment (research organizations, educational entities, companies, municipalities), following the defined priority areas and strategic objectives of the approved regional RIS3 strategy.

This document is intended to ensure the implementation of the RIS3 strategy, bringing its goals to life and fulfilling the goals set in the strategy.